​Welcome to The Paper Collective!
Shipping within India: We have resumed shipping across India in Red, Orange and Green zones as per Government of India Guidelines. Shipments will be allowed into Containment zones as per State Government Regulations
International Shipping: We currently don’t ship internationally.
We have a 7 day - free return policy.
If you are not happy with the product when you receive it and want a refund, please write to us within 7 days from the date of receiving the product to the below email address.
We will pick up the product from your registered address and issue you a full refund after receiving the product back at our registered warehouse.
Please note that the Product will need to be returned in its original packaging. Our team will inspect the piece upon receiving it and if it is found that the product is damaged because anything other than manufacturing/transportation, the refund will not be considered and the product will be shipped back to you as is. The product cannot be used in this timeframe and then returned back to us. Refunds will not be entertained in such cases.
Online Payment Orders: We take 7 business days to process refunds directly to the registered bank account linked to your purchase on our website.
Customized orders: No refunds or exchanges will be entertained.
If you want to exchange your product for another product or the same product, please write to us within 7 business days of receiving your order.
Email us at stating your order number and the name of the product you received along with photographs.
A fresh piece will be sent to you of the same product or the product of your choice.
A return pickup will be initiated within 24 hours of you addressing your complaint.
If there is any cost difference between the two products, either a refund will be processed immediately or we will send you a payment gateway link via our payment gateway partners.
Please note that the product will need to be returned in its original packaging. Our team will inspect the piece upon receiving it and if it is found that the product is damaged because of not adhering to the reasons mentioned above, the exchange will not be considered and the product will be shipped back to you as is.
Fulfilment & Delivery
Delivery timeline within India: 3-5 working days.
Customzed orders: 2 weeks from Order Confirmation
Logistics Partners
Logistics Partner: Delhivery Pvt. Ltd., The Professional Couriers, India Post